Currently recruiting volunteers with tinnitus
What is the aim of study?
At the moment, we are looking for participants with (and without) tinnitus, so that we can investigate the brain responses to specific sounds, and better understand the mechanisms behind human auditory perception.
What will I do?
You will be asked to fill in a quick online questionnaire to ensure eligibility. Then, you will visit the lab, which should last around 2 hours. We will do our best to find a convenient date/time for you.
During the visit, there will be a hearing test. Participants with tinnitus will complete a quick computer task to let us know the pitch of their tinnitus. All participants will be asked to complete a quick auditory computer task which involves adjusting the volume of different frequencies. The task will be followed by an fMRI brain scanning. fMRI measures blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) signal which your brain blood flow gives off naturally as brain regions become activated while we play you various sounds, mainly short tones. It is painless, and safe, as long as you do not have any magnetic metal implants (such as pacemakers). Before being invited to the Centre a researcher will check that you are suitable for scanning using 3T MRI. For the scan, you will be asked to lie down with your head and torso inside the scanner for up to 60 minutes and watch a subtitled movie of your choice on Netflix/BBC whilst sounds are played to you through headphones.
Who can take part?
You should NOT have tinnitus due to a specific physical source (e.g. pulsatile tinnitus)
You should be generally healthy with no recent bouts of ill health
You should NOT experience claustrophobia in tight spaces
You should NOT have any implants in your body
You will receive £30 as a thank you for taking part plus local commuting expenses reimbursed
Where will it take place?
All testing will take place at the UCL Welcome Center for Human Neuroimaging in London (12 Queen Square, London WC1N 3AZ)
If you are interested in taking part please get in touch or fill in the form below!
Thank you for your interest in our research.
If you would like to participate in this study, please click on the button below to complete the Pre-Screening Questionnaire.
This will help us determine whether you are eligible for the study.